Jasmina Sundarraj

Jasmina Sundarraj

Jasmina Sundarraj

È di Pompei (Napoli)

Registrato il 14-09-2020

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1 volte assunto su Cronoshare 1 volte assunto su Cronoshare


è gratis e senza alcun impegno

Così è Jasmina

To whom of competences,
I was pleased to know you are looking for an english teacher.

I am currently employed at malvern house london and it has been a privilege working for mr oliver hart.

I would like to take this occasion to briefly introduce myself. I have developed plenty of experiences in teaching during these years especially, i have learned the importance of applying appropriate teaching and assessment methodologies, focusing on developing educational objectives in line with schools programs as well as students needs.

In order for me to deliver such a performance, i have learned the precious skill to prepare my class on time, using a range of course books and materials, plus a variety of audio-Visual aids, to encourage students to communicate with each other, with the aim of making each lesson engaging, interactive and creative.

My strong initiative and exceptional organisational skills, combined with my ability to work well under pressure as well as to deliver complexed grammar rules in an easy way, it has allowed me to play a primary role in teaching environment.

My objective is to encourage students to grow, learn fast and to become confident speakers of english. I constantly provide my students with different language games based on dialogue and role-Playing, as well as engaging materials to encourage "open-Talk" and, at the same time, to focus more on different grammar points, ensuring the curricula/syllabi are covered and students have a good grasp of grammar.

In addition, i am capable of simplifying lesson plans to achieve curriculum objectives, without sacrificing qualities.
I believe that it is my fundamental ambition, dedication and passion for teaching that will ensure that i continue progressing professionally and pushing myself to perform to the same high standards in the more challenging roles.

Given my work experiences and my cultural background and qualifications, i am confident that i will be able to demonstrate to you that i am a responsible and a valuable addition to your team.

I look at this job as a marvellous and unique lifetime job opportunity to be able to do what i believe i am really good at.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,
Jasmina esposito

Area di lavoro di Jasmina

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Insegnanti di lingue: Italiano | Lezioni inglese online | Madrelingua inglese | Inglese


Jasmina non ha ancora indicato i suoi impieghi.


Jasmina non ha ancora indicato i suoi studi.


Jasmina non ha ancora indicato le sue lingue.

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