Jiane Ebina Tandong

Jiane Ebina Tandong

Jiane Ebina Tandong

Area di lavoro: Brescia

Registrato il 13-09-2022

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è gratis e senza alcun impegno

Così è Jiane Ebina

Jiane Ebina Tandong
Via Nazionale 29 Niardo, 25050, Brescia Italy
Date: 13th of Sept. 2022

Dear Sir/ Maam:
There’s nothing quite like teaching.
I’m lucky because, through teaching, I get to live my passion. I love working with Children. I love inspiring learners and I love the results. There’s no better feeling than seeing one of your students finally “Get it.”
Creative Lesson plans and boundless energy are certainly a challenge but with all my 13 years of Teaching experience. I know the students will be doing so much fun.
I ‘m anxious to tell you more about my qualifications, and why I’d like to be a part of your school. Attached hereof is my CV.
I’ll plan to follow up in a week’s time. In the meantime, feel free to contact me at. -
Please check my YouTube Channel Jiane Ebina Tandong for my teaching Demonstration Video
Respectfuly Yours,

Jiane Ebina Tandong

Area di lavoro di Jiane Ebina

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Insegnanti di lingue: Inglese


Teacher of Nursery, Toddlers, Pre- K and KINDERGARTEN-Near Native Mother Tongue English -Section Lady Bird for children 6 months to 5 years old from September 2016 to June 2017 One-year and 1 month school year 2022 until July
Little England Bilingual School- The only Bilingual School in Brescia territory offering English language, study coupled with ministerial program British- Early Years Foundation Stage British National Curriculum-
Viale Caduti del Lavoro, 19, 25127 Brescia BS -www.littlengland
Little England Bilingual School Teaching Staff


Licensed Professional Teacher
1989-1993 March – 4 years Baccalaureate Degree -Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education-with an area of concentration in English

1997-2003 - Completed Academic Requirements for the Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management
All my school credentials are Authenticated & Translated by the Italian Embassy
Certificate of Training Attendance in Italy :
Training Course for Food Personnel under Regional Law (Lombardy) 30/12/2009 n33.
Certificato Generale del Casellario Giudiziale-Nulla
General Certificate of criminal record-Cleared
TESOL Certified Teacher -Teaching English to speakers of other languages
TEFL Certified Teacher- Teaching English as a Foreign Language


Jiane Ebina non ha ancora indicato le sue lingue.

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