Katya Stepanenko

Katya Stepanenko

Katya Stepanenko

È di Settimo Milanese (Milano)

Registrato il 07-06-2022


è gratis e senza alcun impegno

Così è Katya

Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions need to be developed and justified over a period of time. For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills. When they do work, they develop their creative abilities and establish themselves in society. To be honest for many people work means only a source of income. People work to fend for themselves and to support their families

Area di lavoro di Katya

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Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions need to be developed and justified over a period of time.


For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills. When they do work, they develop their creative abilities and establish themselves in society. To be honest for many people work means only a source of income. People work to fend for themselves and to support their families


For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills.

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