Denis Zhuravlev

Denis Zhuravlev

Denis Zhuravlev

Area di lavoro: Roma

Registrato il 11-02-2023

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è gratis e senza alcun impegno

Così è Denis

My name is denis zhuravlev,

I am an experienced motion graphics artist, animator with an accent on 3d design and animations. I have extensive experience, more than 20 years, in 2d-3d motion graphics and animations. My forte is character design and animation.
Also i have huge practical experience in post production (video editing, color correction et cetera). I have some experience working as a director - Creative producer in tv shows and documentary films.

I actively search for interesting work where i could realize my huge experience and to be of the utmost useful.

Adobe cc (photoshop, after effects, premier, illustrator), cinema 4d,
Now i am actively studying for maya.


Addition information:
In 1991-1992 i took a course of classical animation - Creating characters and motions.
In the years 1999-2007 i worked independently for ad agencies.
I also have a lot of experience with printing production (from design and layout - To finishing)
My big hobbies are photography and music.

P. S.
Now i live in moscow, russia.
I am ready to relocate anywhere.
I think all difficulties related to my visa sponsorship will be compensated by my extreme usefulness for the business.

Area di lavoro di Denis

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Servizi professionali e freelance: Animazione 3D, 2D e Motion Designer


Denis non ha ancora indicato i suoi impieghi.


Denis non ha ancora indicato i suoi studi.


Denis non ha ancora indicato le sue lingue.

Valutazioni dei clienti

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